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Privacy Policy for Review AI

Welcome to Review AI. We prioritize your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your data when you use our app. By using Review AI, you agree to the terms described in this policy.

1. Data Collection

We collect the following types of data:

  • User-Provided Information: When you create an account, we collect your email address for identity verification and authentication purposes.
  • Usage Data: We use Google Analytics to gather information about how you use the app, such as the number of times you click the search button. This data helps us optimize the app and improve your user experience.

2. Data Usage

The data we collect is used for the following purposes:

  • Email: Your email address is used solely for identity verification. We do not share your email address with any third parties.
  • Usage Data: Information collected through Google Analytics is used to understand app usage patterns and to make improvements to our services.

3. Data Sharing

We do not share your personal data with third parties. Your information remains confidential and is used exclusively for the purposes described in this policy.

4. Data Storage and Security

We store your data in data centers (IDCs) located in your country, adhering to GDPR standards. We implement robust encryption methods to ensure your data is protected against unauthorized access and breaches.

5. User Rights

You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data. If you wish to delete your data, you can use the “Delete User” feature within the app. This will remove all your associated data from our servers.